Ocean Kinetics - Mellitah Complex – Repair Emergency Equipment
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Mellitah Complex – Repair Emergency Equipment
Client: Mellitah Oil and Gas B.V, Eni Group
Location: Sabratha, Libya


To fault-find and repair essential emergency equipment on Mellitah Complex – one of the world’s largest gas treatment plants. This plant treats the gas and condensate production arriving from Sabratha Offshore Platform.

This project was carried out in a high-risk, geographical location due to ongoing hostilities within the country. With all Libyan airports closed, workers required an international helicopter trip to reach the site. In addition to this challenge, the plant was live and had an extremely high concentration of hydrogen sulphide.

The activities were carried out using extremely strict ISSOW, which was managed under a dual language, this included developing a bespoke simultaneous operations procedure and specific risk assessment. Mellitah Complex was one of the only operating sites to generate revenue during this time of country conflict.


A specialist team of experts were identified and mobilised complete with their own equipment within 14 days of the project request. Remote vendor support was used in the fault-finding exercise, resulting in the equipment being restored to full designed capacity.

The team provided 24-hour cover to ensure the activities on the three emergency generator sets was completed as quickly and as safely as possible, this resulting in the project being completed without any injuries or incidents.


6 processing gas trains
31000 barrels of liquids per day
High levels of H2s
450 metric tons of sulphur per day
"Working with a multi-cultural workforce posed them no issue and the activity was completed in a safe and very professional manner. We would have no hesitation in bringing Ocean Kinetics back in the future.”
Site Manager, Mellitah Oil and Gas Complex


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For assistance and support please contact:

Graeme Georgeson
T: 01595 697 908

Lewis Grant
T: 01595 697 913
