OCEAN KINETICS INSTALLS SECOND DELOUSING SYSTEM ON INVERLUSSA’S HYBRID AQUACULTURE SUPPORT VESSELSJune 30, 2023 Ocean Kinetics has recently completed the installation of a thermal delousing system on…
LAST CALL FOR ‘FUTURES’ SCHOLARSHIPJune 5, 2023 Last call for 'Futures' Scholarship Ocean Kinetics is inviting any final applicants who wish to submit an application…
Ocean Kinetics creates new job opportunities in Orkney and ShetlandMay 29, 2023 Ocean Kinetics creates new job opportunities in Orkney and Shetland Ocean Kinetics has…
Ocean Kinetics Purchases Hamnavoe EngineeringMay 3, 2023 Ocean Kinetics Purchases Hamnavoe Engineering Shetland-based Ocean Kinetics has today (Wednesday 3 May 2023) announced that it has…
New Fendering System for Certas Fuel in LerwickMarch 30, 2023 New fendering system for Certas Fuel in Lerwick Ocean Kinetics was recently contracted to replace…
Ocean Kinetics ‘Futures’ Scholarship Open For ApplicantsApril 5, 2023 OCEAN KINETICS ‘FUTURES’ SCHOLARSHIP OPEN FOR APPLICANTS Ocean Kinetics is inviting applications for its 2023 scholarship…
Ocean Kinetics Signs up to the Young Person’s GuaranteeMarch 14, 2023 We are delighted to share that we have signed up to the Young Persons…
30 Years of Ocean KineticsFebruary 28, 2023 30 years of Ocean Kinetics We are proud of all that Ocean Kinetics has achieved over the last…
Continued Support on Port of Aberdeen Expansion ProjectFebruary 21, 2023 Progress is made on Port of Aberdeen Expansion Project Ocean Kinetics continue to support Port…
Ocean Kinetics confirmed as Tall Ships sponsorJanuary 19, 2023 ONE of the key players in Shetland’s marine industry, Ocean Kinetics, has been confirmed as a…